Thursday, March 29, 2018

Safer drinking water for all Europeans

Safer drinking water for all Europeans

Revised European legislation proposed by the European Commission today will improve the quality of drinking water and access to it as well as provide better information to citizens.
The right to access essential services of good quality, including water, is one of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights unanimously endorsed by Heads of State or Government at the Gothenburg Summit. Today's legislative proposal aims to guarantee this right and thereby responds to the first-ever successful European Citizens' Initiative, "Right2Water", that gathered 1.6 million signatures in support of improving access to safe drinking water for all Europeans. In addition this proposal seeks to empower consumers ensuring that water suppliers provide consumers with clearer information on water consumption, on the cost structure as well as on the price per litre allowing a comparison with the price of bottled water. This will be contributing to the environmental goals of reducing unnecessary plastic use and limiting the EU's carbon footprint, as well as to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Dia Mundial da Água / WATER DAY, 22ndMarch, 2018

- Come! Play, and win!
- Now, what do you want: Water (blue), Land (green), or Sun (yellow)?

- Don't worry, your time will come soon!...

- Yes, of course! Everyone will have a gift!
Yes, also in the afernoon.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Aqua eXperience - Let's reduce Water Waste! National campaign


Mapping and Service Learning

1) Exploratory diagnosis: What do our Community thinks about Environment? How much are citizens worried about Environmental problems? Inquiry: DONE.
2) Collecting data (person-to-person, at school, home and neighboring; and by Internet) DONE
3) Stablishing Community priorities and concerns. DONE.
4) Evaluating Community motivation to participate actively. DONE
5) Identifying a first problem to focus, according Inquiry results: Domestic Environmental Friendly Use of Water. DONE.
6) Mapping the Community: governmental structures, water supplying, local community resources (schools, factories, parks and gardens, sports fields, health infrastructures, etc.). IN COURSE.
7) Celebrating World Water Day (games, contests, souvenirs, writings, photos, etc.). IN COURSE, UNTIL 22nd MARCH.
8) Get students involved in a 'on line' contest about water supply and adequate water consumption behaviors. INSCRIPTION DONE.
9) Working together with local and national Water Supply organization to lead the launching of a Educational Water Program who has basic and secondary schools as targets. IN APRIL, IN OUR SCHOOL.
10) General evaluation. TWO FIRTS WEEKS OF MAY.
11) Planning next school year, focusing in individual and group behaviors, environmental friends. TWO LAST WEEKS OF MAY.
12) Celebrating the project, in a local farm, open to all community. FIRST WEEK OF JUNE (just before the end of school year).

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Studying data collected

Field research. Analysing data collected.

Searching about water, everywhere - 01

One of us proposed this movie.
It's a story that takes us to an urban subway of water. So, why not, to trigger a discussion, a group reflexion?

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Inquiry - some global results

1- How old are you?

2- Are you worried about the environment?

3- Should we improve changes in our behavior?

4- Changing behavior: priorities

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Community concern about environment - an inquiry

All our country are suffering a very dry year: no rain at all, water is dramaticaly few.
At school, we decided to make an inquiry (face-to-face, and by Internet) to everybody (students, teachers, parents, citizens) focused on the concern of environmental adn community problems; and about their willingness to do something, eventually, to chance behaviors.
Here it is a sample of the results:

Já são conhecidos vencedores da iniciativa Epal – Corrente pela Água

Já são conhecidos vencedores da iniciativa Epal – Corrente pela Água : A iniciativa “Corrente pela Água”, lançada em abril à comunidade de L...