Sunday, April 22, 2018

2.7 billion could run out of water by 2025!! ONU says

The United Nations has announced that more than 2.7 billion people are expected to suffer from lack of water by 2025 if global consumption continues at current levels.

(Drought will reach two out of three people)

A report released to mark World Water Day says that an additional 2.5 billion people will live in areas where the amount of drinking water will be insufficient to meet their needs.

The coming crisis is being attributed to the poor management of water resources, population growth and climate change that the planet has gone through.

The areas most at risk of coping with water shortages are in the semi-arid regions of Asia and in the part of Africa south of the Sahara desert.

The UN entity says that water waste costs Europe around 10 billion dollars a year.

According to the report, written by the International Agency for Nuclear Energy (IAEA), it is estimated that 1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water, around 2.5 billion lack basic sanitation and more than 5 millions die of diseases caused by contaminated water each year - a figure ten times greater than that of people killed in wars around the world.

Less than 3% of the Earth's water is potable, most of which is in the form of polar ice or lies in deep, inaccessible layers of the planet.

This could lead to enormous conflicts, people being killed by water, an essential good that should be assigned to all of us.

But because of people who do not want to know about this huge problem, they are making this into a huge snowball, they are forming a cataclysm with no return !!

They know of that known series "Walking Dead"

in the near future we will not even be in this series, to fight for the survival of our own navel, so it is not hard to save water that we do not even use just wasted by pure carelessness, this is alarming thing so I ask you to pass the message and safem the next generation .



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